We can’t believe that Christmas is just around the corner and that the year is almost over. In this short bonus update, Karl and Filip sat down for a look back at the last 8 episodes and a quick look ahead into our plans for 2022 and where we’re headed.
Season Five: Building Overflowing Relationships
Healthy romantic relationships don't just happen by chance. They take hard work, but with so many pressures on us from all sides, sometimes the happily ever after seems so out of reach. This season Karl and Filip talk with guests about some of the different ways that we can build relationships that are life giving and overflowing.
Ep 43. Why Wait for Sex? with Angela & Carson Blair
Carson Blair, a former pro-baseball player, navigated many locker room conversations about why he was saving himself for marriage. His future wife, Angela, was also having similar conversations… but on a dating show! On this episode they share their journeys towards purity despite the pressure from today’s culture and highlight how grace factors in to purity as a practice.
Ep 42. Preparing for Marriage with Jo & Laia
When it comes to the engagement season, it’s important to be preparing for marriage, not just a wedding celebration. On this episode with Jo and Laia, recent newlyweds, Karl asks about the process they took in preparing for the beginning of their marriage. They share some myths and mindsets they had to overcome, conversations to have and questions to ask, and healthy ways to feel supported through the process.
Ep 41. Setting Healthy Boundaries in Relationships with Jo & Laia
Sometimes Christians focus only on sexual boundaries in dating, while neglecting the many other types of boundaries. Our guests this week, Jo Amaya and Laia Burgos-Amaya, share with us their own learning curve with boundaries. We also talk about “pressing reset” and healing when it comes to boundary violations.
Ep 40. Navigating Crucial Conversations in Relationships with Dr Heather Thompson Day
As much as we hate it, every relationship has conflict. For this episode, our guest Dr Heather Thompson Day shares how to handle those “crucial conversations.” She shares practical ways to prepare your mindset before going into a difficult conversation along with some ways to keep communication open while you’re in the thick of things.
Ep 39. Growing While Single with Erin Keegan
When it comes to singleness, it can feel like there is a lot out of our control. But according to Erin Keegan, you can still work towards marriage when you’re single! In this episode, she explains the types of habits she cultivated when she was single that empowered her to be a healthy potential spouse.
Ep 38. Why Get Married & What to Look For with Ranela Kaligithi
In this episode Ranela Kaligithi, a therapist-in-training, joins us again for another conversation to share why she thinks marriage is still a worthwhile commitment. We explore some key things to look for in a romantic partner as well as some red flags, dealbreakers, and other dating and marriage hot topics.
Ep 37. Setting Yourself Up For Success with Ranela Kaligithi
In this episode, Karl and Filip are joined by Ranela Kaligithi for a conversation on authenticity and self-awareness in relationships. She shares how to own your own mess, recognize the values that shape you, and cultivate a strong sense of self.
Ep 36. Understanding Attachment Theory with Dr Torben Bergland
Dr Torben Bergland joins us for this episode as we learn about Attachment Theory and how it impacts our relationships. We learn about the four attachment styles, which types typically end up in relationships together, and discuss whether or not attachment styles are problems that need fixing.