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Show Notes

Sometimes Christians focus only on sexual boundaries in dating, while neglecting the many other types of boundaries. Our guests this week, Jo Amaya and Laia Burgos-Amaya, newlyweds, discuss the learning curve they both had with boundaries and share some of the ones they have implemented to keep each other safe. We also talk about “pressing reset”, healing, and forgiving ourselves when it comes to boundary violations.

Resources Mentioned

The following resource was mentioned during this episode. Please click the title to see more details or purchase them from Amazon. Purchasing using these affiliate links help support the podcast in a small way.

Choosing God’s Best by Dr Don Raunikar

Connect with our Guests

Jo and Laia just recently got married and have taken on the challenge of living an overflowing life seriously. Jo has a ministry background, and is currently using his creative talents in the media production at Loma Linda University Church. Laia just graduated with a Masters in Social Work and brings those skills to her relationships and to this conversation. You can find Jo on Instagram at @jo_amaya and Laia at @laiabamaya.

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