Season Four: Fighting for Overflow

The prevalence rate of anxiety and depression is increasing in today's world and we can't ignore it. This season Karl and Filip talk to Jamie Stodola, a licensed marriage and family therapist, about these topics in the mental health space and how we can fight back and live the abundant and overflowing life that Jesus promised.

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Posted in: Season 4

Ep 35. Battling Mental Illness: Derek Glatts’ Story

In this bonus episode, Karl and Filip sit down with Derek Glatts to learn from his experience of being diagnosed with depression, then anxiety, and finally OCD. We talk about the thought patterns and habits that have helped or hindered him, and he shares how he’s using his story to pour life into others.

Posted in: Season 4

Ep 34. How to Help People with Depression and Anxiety with Jamie Stodola

In our season finale on anxiety and depression, Karl and Filip ask Jamie what the best ways are to reach out to others who are struggling. We learn ways to ask friends how they’re really doing, and to empathize—not sympathize—with those who are hurting.

Posted in: Season 4

Ep 28. How We Can Identify Anxiety with Jamie Stodola

Anxiety is both a mind and body experience, but we often just focus on the mind. In today’s episode, Jamie Stodola, LMFT, teaches us the seven different types of anxiety and how they manifest in the body. We discuss Jesus’ advice to a woman who was anxious, and when it may be a good idea to seek professional help.

Posted in: Season 4

Ep 27. Spirituality, Psychology & Why We All Need A Therapist with Jamie Stodola

The Bible isn’t quiet about seeking good counsel, so why does the church seem to be? Our guest, Jamie Stodola, a licensed marriage and family therapist, is back with Karl and Filip to unpack common hangups Christians have with counseling and why it’s so important to find someone who is Christ-focused.